We are proud of our home designs and they are protected.
Our houses have been nominated for awards not just because their unique and contemporary design but because we also provide, convenience and comfort and a new way of living far beyond what other companies offer.
It is for these reasons that we want to protect our designs. All our plans are covered by copyright and no part may be used, reproduced or copied by any means or in any form without our prior permission. If our plans, facades or any other intellectual property is found to be copied we are entitled to receive compensation for the use of our content without our permission. Only we are allowed to build our designs.
Hattan’s history of contemporary and innovative designs is supported by our desire to protect our intellectual property. While it may be tempting, please don’t take the risk, as it’s a violation of copyright laws and will result in the need for us to take legal action. This is usually a costly experience for all involved parties.
We know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but please keep Hattan designs unique to us!